Sunday, January 4, 2009

Paso - Home

El Paso Des Robles to Alameda via King City

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We took a mid morning start from Paso as we wanted to stop at a couple of wineries first - Tablas Creek again and Linne Colado. Tablas because we wanted to pick up one of their great T-shits with "Estate Sponsored Terroirism" on it. (only a wine geek would get it). Linne because I couldn't bare to stop in Paso without tasting something.
Tablas is very kid friendly - they supply a kid size table with coloring paper and crayons. Linne, while having good wine and not being kid hostile will unlikely be visited by me again. I don't mind paying a tasting fee, but I expect it waived if I buy wine, or at least if they insist then let me keep the glass! They would do neither, and there is so much great wine in California that I do not need to spend money on theirs.
We also stopped for lunch at our favorite King city restaurant Lugarcitos.

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