A couple nights ago Bella took part in the hotels Jamaican 'talent' contest which consisted of bathing suit, casual wear, and formal wear... ;-) There are about around 150 adults in the audience ( we are at tables on the beach) there are very strong lights shining at her - she did amazing!

Bella's BOKINI (she's calling it this, not bikini - really cute, every time she says bokini we smile)

Casual wear and telling the MC what her talent is going to be - singing (interesting choice)
Casual wear and Mickey Mouse Crocs
- courtesy of Fiona Petrie, in Michelangelo's class

it took her a long time to get out a very hi pitched "LAAA" and that was it, the crowd went crazy, and she gave back the mic, ran off the stage into the nanny's arms and cried a moment...

Evening wear with our nanny Psalmonie - beautiful sundress (costco)

her crown and certificate and she got a present at the kids club

Proud brother.
She wore her pj's and crown to breakfast the next morning, and the crown again for the familiy talent show on Thanksgiving.
The crown is made of the finest construction paper, a very simple staple, and lots of glitter glue that we keep finding in bed, hair, and other odd places!